As the rain has stopped for a day or two, I thought I'd take a few general update photos...
3 of the 4 raised beds now finished with one (back right) actually home to jerusalem artichokes and shallots (covered with wire mesh to stop the local wildlife digging all the shallot sets up)
The final bed has been started on and needs grit to be dug into the subsoil before we can replace the topsoil mixed with fresh compost.
The garlic is coming along nicely with strong shoots about 10cm high. I am intrigued to see what emerges as I've never seen garlic grown before.
We are starting to see a lot more direct sun during the day now, which is encouraging seeing as we are only at the start of March and in the winter we don't get anything.
Yesterday I sent over some chitted seed potatoes, carrot seeds and some shallot sets that I haven't got enough room for to a friend of ours who is also into growing stuff. I was told when James got back that we are likely to be repaid with some well hardened off broad bean plants that are going to be dropped around next week.
I love being able to share with others when it comes to gardening and growing. We have various plants in the garden which started life as tiny cuttings from James's parent's garden and given to us. I guess that is one of the main reasons why I am retraining in garden design, so I can help others to make the most of their own garden space.
Your garlic looks very healthy. I was indecisive about growing some but after seeing the graceful leaves lined in long planters has convinced me :)
This is my first year doing garlic, too. I planted back in the fall and now mine look exactly like yours do. I am also anxious to see how they do! Mine was actually from a head of garlic I got at the grocery store, broken into its cloves and planted.
I can't wait to harvest that yummy garlic!! Good luck with yours!
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