Thursday, May 31, 2007

So little time...

With a hefty workload of final college work to do for my final submissions over the next couple of weeks, sadly I have had little time to devote to the garden.

Still, we should be picking a good crop of broad beans in the next day or two and we have baby spinach ready to pick in the coldframe.

The potatoes have gone crazy and with the recent strong winds they did fall over a bit under their own weight. I can't see any flowers yet, but I wonder whether they are ready to harvest yet?

Today I have pinched out the top shoots of all the tomato plants as they are plenty tall enough now I think. They really need to be planted out quite soon but they might have to wait another week until I have all of my work submitted. I have so many herb and salad seeds that I want to sow too.

Another 10 days or so and I'll have a bit more time again. I hope the plants will all forgive me for neglecting them somewhat for a while...

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