Friday, June 08, 2007

Peas and Beans

I needed to order another roll of copper tape as what we have isn't enough to go round the salad bed to help protect again slugs and snails. Whilst on the organic gardening catalogue website I couldn't resist getting a couple more packets of seeds.

The reason being that our dwarf french beans were a bit of a disaster really. I have to admit they were not great the first time I grew them last year either. Very thin, sickly looking plants once they got taller and produced very little flowers before being attacked by slugs and snails. I don't think they enjoyed being replanted from a tray in the coldframe into the ground. We pulled up the french bean plants at the weekend the climbing frame built for them has been moved into the tomatoes bed to provide support from the tigerella tomatoes.

So, I'm going to try climbing beans and also fresh peas to supplement the mange tout that I've already got going as the broad beans will be soon over and replaced by courgettes. I've ordered Neckargold climbing beans (thin yellow stringless pods) and Ambassador peas. Hopefully they will be much more successful than the dwarf french beans. I won't be growing them again next year I don't think.

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