Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow falls in London

As forecast, we have a good couple of inches snow here in London and it is still steadily falling. The forecast shows that it is not likely to stop until this afternoon.

The big shrub (still currently unidentified) that normally screens our front window doesn't look too happy with the current weather conditions though. It has either decided to slump due to the cold or the weight of the snow is just too heavy for it to bear. Either way, it was a bit of a shock to see it looking so low and feeble. I'll have to see if it is going to pick itself up or whether it is going to need some TLC.

Normally you wouldn't really be able to see the red car out the front much at all

Our snow covered street this morning - unsurprisingly not many people out and about!

Snow-capped garden - a much heavier snow fall then the last one

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