Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Crisp winter frost... beautiful!

What is it about the sight of frost or snow that makes many people (myself definitely included) get overly excited? Is it that we all secretly want to wake up one morning to find ourselves in the land of narnia, or is it just the simple pleasure of something that sparkles in the light, transforming a usually unnoticed outdoor surface, moss or tuft of grass into a little work of art (like the above, a tiny patch of moss at the edge of what was the lawn, suddenly catches your eye.)

This is my first year of getting excited about frost from a gardener's point of view. Gardening really does give the weather forecasts a whole other meaning. I am hoping that these frosts will help to further break up the soil for us (only two beds left to double-dig now!)

Frosty earth mounds

A lone crocus coming up in one of my pots also caught some of the frost

It appears that the most of the UK is expected to see snow overnight tonight, even here in the middle of London. Great for the likes of me who doesn't have to commute in the rush hour and can watch the snow fall from the comfort of home, only to venture out because I want to, not because I have to. Others I'm sure will not be so pleased with it. I'll probably sneak over to the park with my camera.

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