Sunday, November 04, 2007

Bumper harvest of jerusalem artichokes

The jerusalem artichokes were beginning to show the signs that they had had their day and were ready for pulling up. The leaves and stems began to turn yellow and generally look a bit sad and droopy. So, we managed to find a bit of time on a cold afternoon to pull them up. With the light fasing fast, we worked as quickly as we could to cut them back and then pull each from the ground to see what we could harvest.... and we were not disappointed! Each root ball was covered with the wonderful knobbly tubers, many a very good size.

The full harvest weighed in at 7.6kg which should definitely keep us in tubers to eat over the next month or two! So far we have been eating the smallest tubers simply roasted in their skins, and I am planning to make at least one batch of soup too.

The exciting harvest!

7.6kg of tubers.... not bad for our first year's harvest!

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