Sunday, December 14, 2008

A reminder of next year

The seed potatoes and shallot sets have arrived in the post. I haven't gone crazy with the amount of seed potatoes I ordered for next year as I had too many this year and ended up giving about half my desiree seed potatoes to a friend for his plot.

Potatoes for next year are limited to one good salad spud, Anya. A cross between Pink Fir Apple and Desiree (both of which I have grown before) Anya gets rave reviews and I'm hoping to do the same. Let's hope I can get a good crop from them.

I had ordered 'Vigamor' shallot sets however due to a quality problem they are no longer available from my usual supplier so they have sent 'Red Sun' as a substitute. These are quite rounded sets so it will be interesting to grow a new variety instead of the traditional french enlongated variety I have tried before.

So once again we will be living amongst the trays of chitting potatoes waiting for spring to arrive and the ground to warm up.


Anonymous said...

I'm not doing spuds this year - It's been impossible to avoid blight over the last three years! I hope you have better luck with yours.

Kim said...

Thanks Liz, I managed to avoid blight last year but had a few problems with scab. I'm hoping if I make more effort to regulate the watering I might be able to get round that this year.