Sunday, July 11, 2010

A lesson learned

Many reasons why it had been at least a month since we'd been over to the allotment... holiday abroad, friend's wedding, James travelling away for work. However, with a bonus extra pair of hands belonging to big bro Nick, we trooped over last Saturday for a few hours.

A lot of brambles that we'd chopped to the ground had grown to waist height again and the plot was once again looking rather daunting. We had a good go at it though, Nick and I chopping down a decent sized area of brambles and James digging up roots. We managed to get it back to what it was and that felt like a huge achievement!

The following day we took Mum and her husband Andy to see our new plot and I really wasn't expecting the outcome to be what it was! We took them to see just so they could see what our new big project was, just for interest really. What actually happened was Andy offering to organise a few days for him and Mum to come to London with his work van and tools (Andy is a groundsman at an estate) and help us to completely clear the whole plot, rotavate it etc and actually get it going. An amazing offer which hopefully might be organised for mid September. A team of five (me, James, Nick, Mum and Andy leading the way) 2 or 3 days of full on hard graft and no doubt a lot of laughs along the way and the result should be a fully cleared plot ready to actually use!

If we can get it organised, it will bring us forward at least a couple of years with the speed we are going at the moment, just the two of us trying to clear it with hand tools. In the meantime, we are carrying on heading over there to keep clearing as much as we can, chopping and burning brambles and digging up big roots. Very excited to think how the plot might look by winter time!

Allotment hours last weekend: 3
Total hours to date: 13


allot of veg said...

Hi it must be pretty disheartening to be back to square one - are you sure this is the right time for you?
Are you planting as you clear? That tends to be pretty motivational as at least you are getting nearer to a crop.
Get some fruit bushes in too - they thrive on neglect - or at least mine seem to.
Best wishes

Liz said...

That's good news! Many hands make the hard work much more fun :-)