Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Organic peat-free garden compost

The ethos for our veggie growing is that it is fresh, organic produce. Free from chemicals and with zero food miles. All seeds to be sown are organic and I have been investigating where to get organic garden compost to dig into our new beds. I came across many companies who could provide suitable organic matter, however the minimum orders were clearly to suit the larger land owners.

Finally, through the About Organics website, I have found a supplier of organic peat-free garden compost at a very reasonable price. AHS Direct have a 3x 50L bag package of organic compost for £14.99 with free delivery.

The beds are due to be marked out in the next week or so, then, once the turf has been carefully lifted, comes the lovely job of double-digging the proposed bed areas. This is where James (BuddingVeggieGrower'sMate) will come into his own... with a spade and a fork! (I know he is secretly quite looking forward to it - I don't think he quite realises how much hard work it might be though...) We can then let the soil settle and rest until we begin planting out in the spring.


Melanie Rimmer said...

Are you making your own compost yet? When the weather warms up it will be ready in just a few weeks, although this time of year anything you put on a compost heap will take a bit longer to rot down. It's worth starting, though.

Kim said...

Yes! we started composting a few weeks ago, so any future compost will be lovely home-made stuff :)

At the moment though we need to get our new beds prepared for the spring so buying it is our only option this time.

RUTH said...

My first visit here and definitely not my last... a great blog..see you again soon

Anonymous said...

I will be looking forward to seeing your plot 'grow' this year.

Kim said...

Thanks Ruth and Allotment Lady for taking a look at my new blog :)