Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Growing flowers

I've only ever grown veg from seed so my attempt at growing climbing nasturtiums and sweet peas is a first for me. I am really pleased with them so far - all of my nasturtiums that I'm starting off indoors have come up and I am finding a new sweet pea shoot nearly every other day (also started off in the nursery indoors.) I'll sow more outdoors at some point but these sown indoors should helpfully get things going. I'm amazed at how quickly the nasturtiums grow in particular. No doubt they will scramble their way up the fence once they go outside in no time at all.

All 9 climbing nasturtiums growing merrily in the nursery

Sweet Peas 'Pip Tremewen' and 'Blue Velvet'

I'm not having much look starting off my garlic chives, i.e. I haven't had one shoot yet. Perhaps I should have covered them to start them off? I'll sow more directly outdoors fairly soon but I wanted to have a few seedlings started off indoors to get things going. No sign of the chillies or peppers yet but I know they can take a while to get going so I'm still confident that something might come up. I was pleased to see a few speckles of green in the tray that I've sown some mint this morning.

On a much sadder and quite frustrating note, we were rather upset to find that our weekly delivery of fresh organic veg had been stolen this morning. The delivery driver usually drops off our box quite early in the morning and tucks in away as best he can outside and we pop out and bring it in when we get up. This has always worked well until today, when I went outside to collect it and there was nothing there. We did have the receipt which the delivery driver puts through the letterbox so we knew that it had been left as usual. I find it really sad that things like this happen. Fancy somebody stealing a box of veg! Thankfully the delivery company were very understanding and I hope that we can come to some arrangement to make the deliveries that bit safer. Better still, hopefully we'll eventually be growing enough veg ourselves to sustain us so we don't need to buy a big box of veg every week!


angelfeet said...

Great to see how well your seedlings are doing, but tragic that you lost your veg delivery. I hate it when people do something like that. I wonder if someone has been watching the delivery on other occasions, so knew to swoop in and nick it. Set a big bear trap, that's what I say!

Kim said...

Hmmm, yes I suspect that might have happened. Either that or just an opportunist that happened to be passing. Still not a nice thing to happen though and it has thrown all of the week's meal plans too - very inconvenient!