The weather for the long weekend could not be better. Here is the forecast (courtesy of BBC Weather)
Good Friday (Today)
22 Degrees
Saturday (7th)
20 Degrees
Easter Sunday (8th)
21 Degrees
Easter Monday (9th)
21 Degrees
Top wind speed for the weekend is only 5-6mph so it'll be still and gloriously sunny. This afternoon we are going to Kew (Royal Botanic Gardens) so I can take lots of photos of various beautiful perennials and annuals coming into flower whilst James will lie on the grass with a book.
There will be a lot of DIY going on over the bank holiday as the shelving in the lounge alcoves goes up, however there is still lots of time to spend in the garden. I'll be hardening off my dwarf french beans, nasturtiums and sweet peas this weekend and the tomatoes and aubergines are getting big enough now to be put in bigger 7 inch pots, which will be their little homes until they are finally planted outdoors.
Now that we are into April there are plenty of things to sow directly outdoors too - calendula, garlic chives, mange tout peas, carrots, herbs, lettuce, rocket... I've decided to have a dedicated salad bed as the smallest of the four raised beds gets partial sun but is shaded in the middle of the day so should be good enough conditions for various leafy salad to grow hopefully without bolting. It's all so exciting!
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